Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fun Day at the Park

We sure have been loving the temp out here in Dallas. These last few days have been in the 70's, which is the perfect park weather. The area that we live in has the best parks. The particular one that we go to has two big ponds, a 2 mile walking course around the ponds, bridges to go over, and a huge playground. Bella loves to look at the ducks and feed them. She will bark (not quack) at the ducks to let them know that she speaks their kind of language. She loves to go swinging and look at all of the big kids. I love that it is getting warmer because being trapped in a small two bedroom apartment with Bellazilla can make for a very long day. She definitely has her fathers "can't sit still" behavior.

She is getting ready to walk. She will step one step before figuring out that she feels a lot more stable on her knees. Yesterday she thought that she would climb into the shower with me by pushing the trash can to the shower/bath tub and then stepping onto it to get into the shower. I did not know that she had done this until I heard her land into the shower. She always has to be climbing. To make it even better, I thought "well she is already wet and she likes water" so I decided to get her naked and realized that she had pooped and it fell into the bath tub with us. If any of you know me, you know how easily I get grossed out (as you can imagine I had to wash multiple times to feel like I was clean after that). It made for quite the predicament and needless to say it was not a relaxing shower. This girl needs to be tied down :). She is always getting into trouble. She definitely is more than I thought that I could handle, but luckily my prayers are being answered and I am becoming more and more patient with her (which is another trait as you all know that I am not blessed with). She does make life interesting and can always make me laugh with her curious behavior. I sure do love her and am so glad that she is a part of our family.

I know this is shocking, but I have done two posts in one day. The next one is a tag that I was tagged to do. So if anyone would like to be tagged, please feel free to do so.


Rach said...

That looks so fun- I need to join you next time! Lucy keeps asking about "Bebba" so maybe we can hit up the park sometime next week together! Yeah for Bella for attempting to walk!!

Amy said...

I am so jealous!! I would love to have 70 degrees right now! Bella is getting so big!

I was laughing so hard just picturing you with the poop in the shower!! :) I love that Bella is keeping you on your toes!!

LACY said...

What a fun place!

Katie said...

I feel ya on the warm weather. when we went to the park I got sunburned. Im now sporting a totally cool farmers tan. I love the warm weather. I had my ac on in the car today...enjoy it before is gets beastly!

Tiffany Webber said...

Bella is so cute! I love that picture on the top! I can't believe she pooped in the shower! Poor Kelly! At least you have a good story to tell her when she grows up! :) Let's for sure do something this week! I'm ready to get out and feel the good weather!

The Warren Family said...

She's adorable. Enjoy the sunshine, we are getting covered in snow again tonight! I love your saavy stroller!

Unknown said...

Ahh Dallas weather. I have quite enjoyed it as well!! Lilly is trying desperately to keep up with little Bella!!! Babies certainly figure out what they want very young, and there is no deterring them!!! Can't wait to see you all this week!!!

Lindsay said...

I love Bellazilla. Maybe I love her so much because I know someone out there has their hands full with a little Diva too -- I call mine Miss-Thang.