Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dancing Bella

Okay so my daughter actually can dance despite her dad and mom being totally without rhythm. She cracks me up each day with the things that she does. I can say that this age is so fun. Her personality is really coming out. I will be honest and say that the newborn stage was not my favorite, maybe it was because all of her eating and choking problems, but this age when she is crawling and able to interact more is so much fun. So anybody who is willing to take care of my next child during the newborn stage and then give it back to me when they hit about six months to eight months that would be great :)!!

Life is getting back to normal being back in Dallas. We enjoy our walks and hanging out with friends and spending too much at Target. Her sleeping is still off. She now thinks that her new wake up time is 5 am, I don't think so!! Well I am not too good at this blogging stuff, so I better end before I keep on rambling on.


Amy said...

Too cute! She definitely does have more rhythm than her Mom and Dad, I have seen it first hand! Remember Vegas?! Too funny!

Unknown said...

Her pictures are too adorable!! What a doll!

Tiffany Webber said...

Bella is so cute! That is so funny!! I can't wait till Kaden and Bella can play and dance together! Her pictures are adorable! I love that cute pink vest!!