Thursday, January 31, 2008

Doing the laundry...

So Bella has now entered into the climbing stage of her life. She loves to climb everything including chairs, toys, and people. Too bad we don't have stairs to keep her entertained. She also is saying a few words like ma ma, da da, and cat. Okay so she mostly says cat because she thinks that the cats are much more fun than we are. She likes to show me where my mouth is, but sometimes it gets a little side tracked and she pokes me in the eyeball or up my nose. She also has super grip strength, which it is very hard to detach her when she has her tree trunks around me. I do know where she gets it from. Yes, I know you all are saying Rick because he is so athletic and strong, but you are wrong. Let me take you back to the good old days of the fitness center at Dixie College. Many of you do not know this, but I won the strongest leg competition. I know you are all saying yeah whatever, but really I did. I leg pressed 340 pounds. Holly can attest to it. I know that it is crazy and all with me now being only able to leg press a feather, but it was true. I have the certificate to prove it (Rick didn't believe me either until I presented him with the solid evidence). So as you can see she does get her super power strength from me and not her dad, who is very athletic and goes to the gym pretty much every night.

Here is a little video of one of her many adventures around the house. Don't worry no babies were harmed in the making of this video. She was alright after the fall and got right back into the laundry basket to watch Sesame Street.

P.S. I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. The spell check on the blog is not working and I am too lazy to read through this post again :).


Tiffany Webber said...

You are so funny Kelly. I couldn't stop laughing after your "oh shoot!" Bella is so cute! I can't believe you could lift 340 lbs! That's awesome!

Amy said...

Nice one Kell! Bella is adorable! Thanks for the call today, I just got home and I will try and call you back later.

Jaime said...

That was so funny - I hope she's okay before I say that! I loved watching the video...I need to post some of those, is it hard to do?

LACY said...

That was hilarious, I loved that. What a cutie! Way to go on 340! Loved fitness center!

Katie said...

So, it sounds as if your daughter takes after you, hercules! The climbing stage is NOT a fun one. One day I couldnt find the baby and when I finally found her, she was upstairs playing in her brothers room, with this "look what I did" expression on her face.

The Dorny Family said...


Thanks for toning it down for the viewers (shoot! Rick getting to you?). I'm sure glad you didn't use your superhuman strength on that serve you hit me in the head with when we played against C.J. and Rick. I'm new to blogging, but...a spell check. I need to find where that is (and a myriad of other things).
